Xavier Dusee - Zerotonine
Xavier a.k.a. Zerotonine started his musical adventure years ago on an old PC using Fasttracker. In 2011, when the online world of music creation and digital daws really took flight, Xavier started to create more and more music for the world to hear and released his first track Blackout back in 2016. Influenced by the beats of KSHMR, Hardwell, Jordy Dazz and lots more, he creates new fusion vibes by combining styles en genres, and uses his own signature sound design elements in all of his productions. Learning Mixing, Mastering and the EQ tricks of the trade by himself by binge watching twitch and youtube streams from gurus like KSHMR & Zen World he now collaborates with lots of close cross genre friends in the industry. Zerotonine fusion style consist out of elements based on genres like: Bigroom, Progressive, (Chill) House, Electro, Techno and Melodic Trance.